Wednesday, May 24, 2017

New Update
The people who are intelligent, the cursed game named Class of Clan has left the game after seeing the new update. Those who are still mother-mates playing this game because of their 7/8 villagers, they think they will take this game to the end, but those who have 9/10 Max have a lot of understanding about it. It takes more than one year to make a Town Hall 9's ID Max and it takes more than one and a half years to make the town hall 10 Max. Now, in a new update on New Village, this Village has everything updated. Gradually the new Vilethtown townhall will be updated and new ones will be coming. That means that this game will never end. Hey brother who has no end, what will happen? Life will end in one day! How to play this game? From the middle of this game, many valuable time of life will be lost, which you will regret later for this precious time, if you will not return. And those who play these games, they often forget about. That is to say that in this game we are losing both the world and the hereafter ..

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                                                                        2nd Graphic Muhammed Yasin arfat